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Monday, December 05, 2005

eating right and sleeping nights

since i have returned from europe my sleeping schedule seems to be more inline with the rest of eastern standard time. tomorrow it will be a week since i returned and i am still getting up between 6:30 and 8a - hopefully, i can keep this up. i have more energy and don't seem to be overwhelmed at thoughts of too much work and too many projects. the extra sleep must be a large help but it could, also, be that i am eating healthier.
during my travels i have tasted many differant types of cuisines and have decided to bring some of them home. for instance, the japanese breakfast fills me up and lasts longer than an american breakfast so i bought salmon, made some brown rice and miso soup and am enjoying them in the a.m. i, also, have started going through my asian cooking books and trying new recipes. for lunch today i made corn and chicken soup - with a chicken broth and an eggdrop finish. while searching borders in ann arbor, i discovered a great vegetarian cook book with many interesting ideas. tomorrow, i will start with the first recipe and work through the book.
it's not january first yet but this does have all the earmarks of a new year's resolution. wish me luck!


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