
"a rose is a rose is a rose" check out some yarn for a change - its never the same.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

working online @ the cafe

the whole "wireless internet at the coffee shop" movement is GREAT! how did people get along without it? i sit with a massive cranberry almond scone and medium raspberry latte to my left and work on my tiny ThinkPad. when i was a child/ no... in the 80's/ no-no... in the mid-1990's the thought would have thrilled me and sent my head spinning. it seemed almost as impossible as going to the moon must have seemed to those living in the late 1890's. makes one wonder what life will have to offer in 2090. a massive cranberry almond scone infused with raspberry latte and completely free of calories? just think of the possibilities. Oh, did you think i was talking about the internet and laptops?!


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