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Monday, December 12, 2005

5 Weird Habits

The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who get tagged need to then write a Xanga entry about their five quirky little habbits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. At the end, you need ot list the next five people who you want to tag, and then go to leave a tag smooch on their Xanga.

"Five Weird Habits of Mine"
1. I hate to say "good bye" to the day and go to bed.
2. I would rather keep sleeping than to get up and start a new day.
3. Before all the bath water is out of the tub both of my feet must have been outside the bathroom.
4. Popping zits intrigues me.
5. Women that bring children into the adult women's locker room, even though there is a family locker room, one for girls and a seperate for boys, bug the "HELL" out of me.


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