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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ann Arbor Art Fair

It's a small photo because I took it with my cell phone.
Cynthia and I have been volunteering at the Ann Arbor Art Fair for about 5 years. Usually the weather is in the upper 90's and sticky with humidity. This year was a pleasant change. There was a high of 80 degrees, cyan skies and a slight breeze.
As a fair volunteer, we spend our time answering questions at the information booth or booth sitting for various artists. The most interesting artist I sat for, this year, was a man from Santa Fe that did miniture sculptures of people in conversation, usually laughing, enjoying each other. There was an artist that made notebooks with shaped leather or suede covers. The only artist I made a sale for was a jeweler - Her husband, a glass blower, had the booth next door and was able to help me write up the sale. We would really like to put more time in volunteering at the fair but something always seems to get in the way. In a year or two... I would love to have my own booth.


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