Labor Day Weekend
It was very nice to see my father doing better than he was two months ago and wanting to do as much on his own as possible. Our visit with my dad, who is seriously ill with a Parkinson's like illness, was cut short because the situation with my mother is so uncomfortable. My mother is insanely jealous of the attention my father is getting and, once again, proclaimed her hatred for him and her desire to put him in a home. Fortunately, my sister invited us to tag along with her and her son, Alec, to fish on Grand Haven's North Peer and stop by my brother's house to see his new puppy.
Ranger, the puppy is Webkinz sized with a round little puppy belly and very loving. My brother, Arthur, and his wife, Joy, had just got him hours before we arrived and the little thing was exhausted but too excited to let himself go to sleep.
Art, Joy, Lucas (their son) and Ranger joined us on the North Peer. Several times, my hook was aggressively yanked at by a large fish but I was unsuccessful in pulling in any of them. Alec caught 2, Jackie 2 and Lucas one fish.
The September sun began a fast assent and we wandered back to our car and one last visit with another brother and sister-in-law (David and Shelly) before heading home. Shelly fed us a feast of home fried chicken, steak, red skin potato salad and pasta salad while we visited with the family.
We had planned to leave the west side of the state by 7p but were with David, Shelly and their children, Nolan and Jerilyn, until 10p. Reluctantly, we readied ourselves for our trip back but not before Shelly loaded us up with blueberries and David shared several perch fillets with us.
Although I enjoyed the visit, the nagging thought of the Hell my parents and nephew live in churns up my stomach and we had to stop for Benadryl, as I had developed a case of hives.
Porscha suggests I would be better off without them in my life and I have tried that route for a year at a time but I feel lonely, hollow, .... and I go back for more.
Labels: "labor day" september, "Lakeshore Drive", "North Shore", arthur, blueberries, dance, dog, fish, hives, jealous, jerilyn, Mom, nolan, Parkinsons, ranger
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