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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

spring cleaning

The sun is shining, wild fires are flaring and the cat meows to get outside. It can only mean one thing... Spring is finally sprung and it's time to do some deep cleaning. We are busy people and it makes doing a thorough job difficult but I am trying to take it in baby steps, daily baby steps.

Beside me, on the floor is a stack of things to try to sell on e-bay. It's not so much the money it will bring but getting these things to people that will appreciate and use them that is important. It makes me feel guilty to see the number of things I buy and never use much or that have been replaced with new technology. Not many people want the music cassettes but the Suzuki Cd's and Latin books are a hit. Unless someone has a better idea I will be taking what doesn't sell to the Salvation Army except the books. Those I will give away or donate to the community library.


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