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Thursday, June 21, 2007

ummmm hellllo?

Cynthia rolled in about 3a this morning. She had been out with Jenny and Jenny's twin sister, Kim. They had enjoyed "Top of the Park" or "Summer Fest" as it is now known and messed around at a park. Innocent enough in the middle of the day but in the middle of the night? 1 - 3a in an Ypsi park? Three young women alone? I don't think so. What were they thinking!? Dolts! I have friends that have children that were murdered in there apartments not far from where they were, in the 70's a serial murder roamed Ypsi killing young women, young women get raped and killed all over this country, everyday and, yet, these three think they are safe hanging out in an abandoned park at 3a. Hopefully, Cynthia will think more before doing something like this again. Her father and I both lectured her and I think she gets it. Of couse, I did stupid things when I was the same age and I am glad I wasn't hurt doing them so I am not completely self-righteous about the happening. But I couldn't stand it if something happened to them. What a perspective difference it makes when one are a parent.


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