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Friday, December 28, 2007

i'm don't have that triangle thing

Cynthia and I had a delicious panini dinner with Denis and his new panini grill. After the meal, Denis and I put on a movie but Cynthia left to be home for an "important" ("boyfriend") phone call.
John Malkovich was just becoming believable as a Stanley Kubrick impostor when a slightly hysterical Cynthia called. My first thought was that she had been in an accident.
"My car won't work. I am stuck halfway out of a driveway and halfway into the road. And I can't find my hazard lights. I don't have that triangle thing!" She was in the early stages of panic.
"Don't worry. Where are you? Denis and I will come and get you." I tried to calm her while struggling with my coat and the door handle.
"What did Denis do to my car?!" She cried. He had just used it to run a couple of blocks to Zingerman's Deli for our panini bread and cheese.
Denis' look of concern turned to one of amusement. "I turned on the parking break. That's all."
"Did you remove the parking break, Cynthia?"... I calmly asked.
"The parking break? I never use the parking break. It's not that...., " pause. "Oh, um it's working now. The parking break was on."
This event will live in infamy.


Blogger porscha said...

I hope to be able to remind Cynthia of this as much as possible!

Happy Birthday tomorrow :)

1:59 PM  

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