
"a rose is a rose is a rose" check out some yarn for a change - its never the same.

Friday, August 03, 2007

genius idea... NOT!

The roof isn't complete but it already looks fabulous and the yard has been cleaned up. Greg hired a large dumpster to be dropped of for a few days so that we could fill it with roof refuse and then be hauled off. Unfortunately, it was too heavy to move around the yard and there were several piles in various parts of the lawn. Greg thought to chain it to the back of my old Mazda, put a board under the resting leg at the front of the dumpster and pull. It would not budge! What to do? What to do? The obvious answer: Use Greg's old skateboard under the leg and on the board. It worked for about 3 inches and then, "CRACK, SNAP, BANG!!!!" The skateboard didn't make it.


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