
"a rose is a rose is a rose" check out some yarn for a change - its never the same.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Cynthia and I are back from London and enjoying being home. While there, we visited places we long dreamed of: the Tower of London, Tate and Tate Modern museums, Stonehenge, the theatre, Victoria and Albert Museum and more. Our last evening in London was spent with a friend (CL Hardy) and her boyfriend, Tim, at the play Shadowlands and then the pub. We were up way to late but, hey, it was our last night.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

white, white, white

The days are short and the sun is scarce but there is no shortage of snow this January. It snowed all New Year's Eve, leaving the trees pimped out with a thick layer of cold, white bling. Denis and I took his Subaru out to Argo Park and shot the event. After an early movie with Greg (the Magic Compass... which was amazing), I donned my thin windwall gloves and continued my photo documentation of the splendor.

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