
"a rose is a rose is a rose" check out some yarn for a change - its never the same.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Budapest 2005

On top is a photo of Cynthia resting her weary feet and throwing a snowball at me.
I already miss you, Zyn.
We took an evening cruise of the city. The lower photo is Buda Castle from the Danube.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Content Approved

This blog content has been approved and certified pursuant to the national interests of the United States of America by the Department Of Homeland Security.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Ballet in Budapest

it is day 4 of our stay in budapest. yesterday, we visited a great market where we bought souvenirs and some traditionsl hungarian clothing. my favorite souvenir is the hungarian medal of honor from the 2nd world war. it is sterling silver with a small 3-d crown on top or a medallion with a triangular ribbon of red, white and green at the top. (picture to follow) we leave tomorrow evening, but are filling today with a ballet - carmen - and a trip to the fine arts museum. perhaps we will have time to visit the parliament before we head out on the train on friday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Cynthia's 17th Birthday

17 years ago, Monday, Cynthia was born. We are in Hungary celebrating and having a wonderful, sometimes confusing, time. (I think that is grammarically correct.) On her birthday we got up at 4a and took the train from Graz, Austria to Budapest, Hungary - a 5 1/2 hour trip. Her birthday celebration took place in the small restaurant at our hotel, where they treated her to a chocolate flan cupcake with a candle in it. Yummmmmm.
Yesterday, we took the tram to the Buda Castle and visited the Hungarian National Gallery and finished our day off with a trip to the Turkish bathes. It was fabulous to be outside in the snow, yet warm in the pool. Today, we are on our waz to the Fine Arts Museum, shopping and topping off the day with a cruise of the Danube. (Pictures will follow when we return to the U.S.)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Z's Survey

Saturday, November 12, 2005

This is Z's newest survey. It is quite silly and that is why I havae decided to answer it. If you would like to copy paste it in your blog and do that same... help yourself.

Please fill it out yourself :
1. What is your (whole) given name: private info
2. What would your pen name be: Jane Doe
3. If you were a super heroe what would you want your power be: Complete all needed business before 11a. and have the rest of the day to do as I please. Yes, it could be a super power. Just imagine all the worlds I could save if I were only rested.
4. What is the lamest super heroe anyone has ever thought to create: I agree with Z... it must be Aqua man. He swim like a dork
5. What is the best sound effect: Homer Simpson's "Doe"
6. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had: I had a pimple on my scalp and when I popped it a hugh dent sunk into my head - about 1/4 the total volume of my entire head.
8. Weirdest pet peeve: Watching people in the store whose children cry because they have been told they can't have something and then having the parent give in when the crying gets obnoxious enough.
9. What is the best children’s program ever: I can't say I have one. I do love the Jetson's but that may be for adults?
10. What did you want to be when you were really little: Able to pee standing up.
11. What job do you wish existed (just for you): Professional nap taker.
12. Last book you read: The 20th Wife
13. Last movie you saw: A Beautiful Mind.
14. Would you rather: Be forced to watch Adam Sandler movies for the rest of your life OR only be able to listen to music sung by Enrique Inglesius (sp?): Please, don't make me do either, just put me in the institution now.
15. Would you rather be in (for the rest of your life): A vat of cotton candy OR a hamster wheel: The Hamster Wheel - at least it's good exercise.
16. Would you rather meet: A whord of zombies OR a whord of George Bush clones: I’ll take my chances with the zombies. They think better on their feet.
17. Isn’t ‘whord’ a cool word: It's not as cool as "gobernatorial".
18. How long is your longest finger nail: 1.5 cm
19. What language would you NOT like to ever learn: If I had the time... I wouldn't mind learning every language, including extraterestrial languages.
20. Worst actor is has had a starring role: The guy in Alexander
21. Have you ever had an invisible friend: Imaginary, yes... Invisible no.
23. What show have you been most mad about being cancelled: Seinfeld
24. What song are you most ashamed of liking: There's a Hole in My Bucket by Hank Williams, Sr.
25. What’s the geekiest thing you’ve ever done: Tried to be cool
26. What is/should be your anti-drug: Self-love.. Those things can really mess up the things you like about yourself.
27. If you were to teach a class, what would it be called: How to make clothes you will actually wear.
28. What would your autobiography be called: Spinning My Wheels - The Warp and Weft of a Fiber Artist's Life
29. What hair color do you wish you were born with: Dark Purple
30. Start holding your breath right now and count how many seconds you last (don’t pass out): 0 - I hate holding my breath.
31. Do you think this survey is to short: Comme si, comme sa.
32. Do you think it’s annoying that I’m prolonging the end of it: Yes
33. Really: Yes.
34. REALLY?: No, I am just giving you a hard time.
34. What would you say if I stopped: Any more questions?
- Take that, Z.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

working online @ the cafe

the whole "wireless internet at the coffee shop" movement is GREAT! how did people get along without it? i sit with a massive cranberry almond scone and medium raspberry latte to my left and work on my tiny ThinkPad. when i was a child/ no... in the 80's/ no-no... in the mid-1990's the thought would have thrilled me and sent my head spinning. it seemed almost as impossible as going to the moon must have seemed to those living in the late 1890's. makes one wonder what life will have to offer in 2090. a massive cranberry almond scone infused with raspberry latte and completely free of calories? just think of the possibilities. Oh, did you think i was talking about the internet and laptops?!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

the links

a cool breeze accompanied us as we grabbed our clubs and hit the links for one last golf outing. the sun was warm and bright - for the most part- and the temperature was tolerable. but the leaves on the course hid many of our balls, even the balls landing right in the middle of the fairway. lost ball total: Sally 4, Greg 3. this is the first time i ever beat Greg - 42 to 47 on the front 9 holes. Woooooe--eeee.

Friday, November 04, 2005

so i was wrong

my fear of the upcoming winter has caused me to underestimate the weather in our immediate future. today will be a sunny 76 degrees. there is so much on my plate i am left with little free time but i must play hooky for a few hours. greg and i will take off the afternoon to absorb some precious light and a quick round of golf.... (pictures to follow)