He asked me to help him with his taxes, a man that prides himself on being able to do anything and everything for himself. Of course, I was happy to help. My siblings all live on the other side of the state and help my parents with their chores, trips to the pharmacy, grocery store, etc., I went across to see my parents, both are not doing very well. While there I helped with the taxes, ran to the post office, vet, library, McDonald's and returned a pair of shoes for my mother.
It is heart wrenching to see my father shrinking, his feet glued in place and him fighting to move them but the hardest thing to watch is the cruelty that goes on in my parent's home. My mother says horrible, mean things about my father and other people that I love and wishes my father all kinds of ill will, while my sister (she and her child have been living with them for over 8 years - rent free - utility free -) bullies them around verbally. Although my parents bicker it was mild compared to the abuse she slings at them . During my short visit she started screaming at my mother and turned it on me when I told her to stop yelling at them and suggested she thrived on the upheaval. She continued her tirade and suggested the parents were responsible for her being upset and the reason she does "drugs". She said that she hated it there, to which I responded, "Well then, move the
&*%@$ out!"
The whole business was very ugly and very upsetting. Although I can hold my own with her I shook for a least an hour after our altercation. I am so glad I don't live anywhere near my dysfunctional family but I desperately would like to spend more time with my father before he is gone and would like to help out the my parent's needs. Since my return from the other side of the state I have been in a funk and am working to set my head straight and not let them get to me.