
"a rose is a rose is a rose" check out some yarn for a change - its never the same.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

porscha's surgery

Greg and I head out for Salt Lake City very early on Saturday so that we can be there for Porscha. On the 20th, she is scheduled to have her coccyx removed. We are a anxious for the surgery to be over with and her to be happily recovering. Thank you for your good thoughts regarding this issue.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

flag burning in Grand Haven

Yesterday morning, my brother's family woke to find a charred rectangle at the bottom of their flagpole. Of course they are upset... not just because it was a flag they burnt but because someone came into their yard while they slept and destroyed their private property. After several hours they were able to get their troubled daughters (ages 7 and 9) to sleep. Two local news stations ran stories of the mishap and debates regarding the incident are raging online. Most comments seem to take up the argument of "flag burning" which misses the point. This family was violated, terrorized and the fact that it was a flag that was burnt is less important than the permanent damage done to the family, the children and their sense of community and safety. Check out the videos:

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

In the rafters

Yesterday was my first experience as a "Prop-tart". I wasn't sure what the job description entailed but found it interesting without being too taxing. The only difficult part of the day was rolling the "Marlee" back on its storage pipes. The flooring has a tendency to curve off to either side which requires unrolling and re-rolling and it is heavier than I like to handle. After a lengthy first roll and a frustrated experience with my co-working helping me, I stood up and gave the center of the roll a kick in the right direction. To my surprise, it rolled much straighter left to its own accord rather than trying to "woman"-handle it into place. My method worked so well the rest of my team noticed and started to try and copy my approach. But that was work at the end of the day. During the second part of the show, my friend and co-worker, Annemarie and I climbed to the very top of the fly system and out onto the cat walk. We sat in front of a hole in the cheese grater like grid, surrounded by balloon and waited for out cue to start tossing them down. While waiting for the cue, I took out my phone and started shooting the show from above. It would have been nice to use my larger camera but I didn't know I would have the opportunity to take photo and was lucky to have my camera phone with me. So I shot a few dozen pix and bi dded my time until it was time to toss the party favors.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Survey says...

Porscha tagged me to fill out this form. Here goes:

4 Jobs I have had in my life:
  1. Web mistress
  2. Set/Costume Designer
  3. Stagehand
  4. Graphic Artist

4 Movies I’ve Watched More Than Once:

  1. It's a Wonderful Life
  2. Beautiful Mind
  3. Gladiator
  4. Oh Brother Where Art Thou

4 Places I’ve Lived:

  1. Boulder, CO
  2. NYC
  3. Santa Fe, NM
  4. Marquette, MI

4 TV Shows I Watch/Watched:

  1. Rome
  2. Scrubs
  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  4. The Simpson's

4 Places I have Been:

  1. Paris, France
  2. Budapest, Hungary
  3. Osaka, Japan
  4. Bruges, Belgium

4 People who email me regularly:

  1. Denis
  2. Busha
  3. Deborah
  4. Wendy

4 of my favorite foods:

  1. Hummus
  2. Red Bull (Sugar Free)
  3. Curry
  4. Mangoes

4 Places I Would Like to Visit:

  1. Australia
  2. Easter Island
  3. Korea
  4. Machu Picchu

4 Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year:

  1. Visiting Porscha
  2. Cynthia's third year of college
  3. Learning: JavaScript, PHP and Flash (Yes, I am a geek!)
  4. My corset show (coming in September)

4 Friends who I’m Tagging - Any takers?:

  1. Zyn
  2. Erica
  3. Denis
  4. Wendy
  5. Plus, anyone else that would like to!