
"a rose is a rose is a rose" check out some yarn for a change - its never the same.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

stop the madness

So many things to do, so many different things to do and a limited amount of time to do them. It's a bit daunting. To help organize my work I made a list and was surprised at the number of coals I have burning. There is the upcoming needle-felting class that I am teaching, the magazine article I am writing, two websites that I am maintaining/adding to, gallery show I am preparing for, etc. It seems so enormous that the weight of my obligations stops me in my tracks and I play computer games, a.k.a. waste many hours of my life without anything to show for it. I am desperately trying to discipline myself and organize my time in a more efficient and meaningful way. Without structure, I float through my days without realising they are passing and am surprised when they are over. No wonder I hate to go to bed and end the day. Although its May, almost June, I think I will make an addendum to my New Year's resolutions to cut down on the procrastination and put some structure into my life. That's it... So it is written, so it will be done. I will organize my life.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


This afternoon, I drove 40 minutes to Williamston (just outside Lansing) for a meeting about next season's design work. As usual, I was running late and struggled with parallel parking. Two weeks ago, I saw Tony for the first time in thirteen years. He had produced my first costume design show... Gypsy... over 200 costumes... a few volunteers... and almost no money. Since then, he has worked for Purple Rose and started his own theatre. Me? I raised my two children, went back to school to finish my degree, worked all over the country (including a stint in the Big Apple), quit theatre for a while and started, again. We looked through my portfolio and the line up of next season's shows. We talked for about an hour and I left feeling good.
Stay tuned to see what happens next! Will I get a show? Two? Costume design? Set design?... Is Sylar really dead?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

scary bear

An old motel, advertising "RCA Color TV", lives beside the Mexican restaurant we ate at the second day of our stay in SLC, UT. The "Kiddie Fairy Land" once boasted a waterfall, a couple of pools, playhouse and critters for the "kiddie's" to enjoy.

faux marble

Cynthia, Beau, Porscha and Josh gathered on Porscha's front porch for a quick photo and momento of our first trip to visit her in Utah. It was difficult to leave her and Beau but we left with some amazing memories and the hope of seeing her again, soon. (I love you, Porscha!)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Spiral Jetty, Great Salt Lake, UT

Cynthia and I have been having a tremendous time in Utah with Porscha and Beau. Yesterday was particularly rewarding as we drove into the middle of nowhere for about 2 and 1/2 hours and found the "Spiral Jetty". It was a bit disappointing as it was partically submerged but we enjoyed wading trhough the rocks until Cynthia's Teva's caught on a rock and sent her backwards into the water. Fortunately, she quickly raised her camera to the gods for protection an dit was, thus, saved.
Since she was already wet, I suggested she continue her swim and see if she would really float in the "Great Salt Lake". Yes, she did. Porscha, Beau (with Porscha's help) and I joined her. We had no swimsuits with us so went au natural... Yes, the swimsuit has been drawn on me.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

spring cleaning

The sun is shining, wild fires are flaring and the cat meows to get outside. It can only mean one thing... Spring is finally sprung and it's time to do some deep cleaning. We are busy people and it makes doing a thorough job difficult but I am trying to take it in baby steps, daily baby steps.

Beside me, on the floor is a stack of things to try to sell on e-bay. It's not so much the money it will bring but getting these things to people that will appreciate and use them that is important. It makes me feel guilty to see the number of things I buy and never use much or that have been replaced with new technology. Not many people want the music cassettes but the Suzuki Cd's and Latin books are a hit. Unless someone has a better idea I will be taking what doesn't sell to the Salvation Army except the books. Those I will give away or donate to the community library.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

trolling for next season's work

The work is gruelling and consuming with no job security. Why do I do it? Partially, I love to see a show come together and being a part of a great show. When I do a set design I love thinking of r the spaces when the actors can bring the story alive and doing it in an interesting manner than adds quality and imagination to that world and a place where the director can bring his/her best efforts forth. And... I just love to build a small scale model and watch it become life size. The part I really don't enjoy is trying to line up jobs for the next season. The pursuit has started for next year's jobs and is going well so far. I have couple of calls back and an offer to write an article for a new magazine (This could lead to more.) and a gallery show coming up. Two shows and the rest would be fine with me because I don't want to be as busy as I have been the last six months, besides I am still working for the union. For those of you reading this... wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

beautiful weather & a day off

It's been months... over 6 of them, since I had a day off without having to worry about a show and much longer since I had one off with good weather. Fortunately the two (good weather and a day off without a show to worry about, that is) came together last Saturday and I was able to enjoy a long walk in Ann Arbor's Arboretum.